Master’s of Arts in in Educational Technology: Handbook

This handbook is meant to give candidates and current students in MA in Educational Technology an overview of the requirements for the degree and the steps to successfully complete the program.

Alumns hanging out at the 2024 Ed Tech Picnic
Alumns hanging out at the 2024 Ed Tech Picnic. Brooklyn Bridge Park, Oct 5, 2024.

Application Requirements

The MA in Educational Technology welcomes applications from students with a variety of backgrounds and undergraduate majors. Students don’t need a formal technology or design background, but their application should demonstrate a strong interest and ability to study technical topics.

Specific requirements:

Teaching Certification

This program does not lead to New York State teaching certification. Many of the students are interested in K-12 teaching and either work in the field or have an undergraduate degree with initial certification. In this case, this Master’s will count towards permanent, professional certification in New York State. For example, if you did your undergraduate degree in math education with an initial license. You will be eligible for professional certification upon completion of this Master’s.

Some students have also used this degree to pursue certification as an Educational Technology Specialist via the individual pathway. While the course of study meets all of the NYS requirements, all of the specific certification requirements are the responsibility of the student, and New York State, not Adelphi decides on granting certification.

Plan of Study

The MA in Ed Tech is a 32-credit Master’s consisting of 7 required courses, 3 electives, and the thesis. Part-time students typically take 2 courses per semester. Full time students take 9 and sometimes 12 credits per term. You should plan approximately 6-8 hours of work per week per course.

Your plan of study will vary depending on which electives are being offered, if you have an transfer credits or substitutions, etc. Electives are drawn for our re-curring elective classes, special topics courses, and graduate courses from other programs that you take with the prior approval of your advisor.

The following show sample plans of study.

Please Note:

Fall Start

Spring Start

Educational Technology Integrated Thesis Project

Educational Technology 0858-793

lego figure shooting a movie

The integrated thesis project of the Master’s of Arts in Educational Technology is the culminating experience of a student’s time in the program, and displays the range of new knowledge and abilities they have acquired during their studies.

All thesis projects:

There is no fixed format for the project — we encourage creative and innovative ideas. Frequently, thesis projects fall into one of these broad categories:

Projects vary and should be designed in collaboration with the student’s advisor. The best projects focus on an area of intense interest to the student, and serve to forward the students’ professional goals; whether those goals are to change careers, advance in their current profession, or continue studying at the doctoral level.

Registering for the thesis project

You do not register for EDT 793 through CLASS. You must register by submitting a proposal to your advisor by completing the EDT 793 Thesis Proposal Form. Once you submit the form, you must notify your advisor to review your proposal.

Often, the best way to start a proposal is to send a few ideas to your advisor.

Think about:

You can start writing down 3-5 different ideas, sharing them with friends and mentors, and sending them to your faculty advisor(s). These ideas can start the conversation around your thesis project and lead to the eventual proposal.

In general, creating a website is not sufficient for a thesis project. If you propose to create a video, it should be on a topic with scarce resources, and the video should be “professional” quality for an instructional technologist/multimedia producer.

Completing the thesis project

The thesis project is completed individually. There are no class meetings or regularly scheduled assignments. Your adviser will help you set goals, create a timeline, and provide guidance and feedback as needed. The thesis is pass / fail — you should present periodic drafts/prototypes to your adviser to ensure that you are on track.