Introduction to Computer Programming:
Python Maps
We are looking at a society increasingly dependent on machines, yet decreasingly capable of making or even using them effectively.
― Douglas Rushkoff, Program or Be Programmed: Ten Commands for a Digital Age
Computer Science 0145-602-001, Fall 2024
Keywords: computer programming, CS1, python, computational thinking, critical computational literacy, maps, data visualization
Description: This course introduces students to programming and core concepts of computer science, using a modern, object oriented programming language. Students learn concepts of variables, functions, selection, repetition/loops, basic data structures (arrays, lists, hashtables), and basic object oriented programming.
Class meetings: Online, asynchronous (coordinated through the course website)
Dr. Curinga’s Office Hours by appointment
- Monday, 4:30-5:30PM
- Thursday, 4:30-5:30PM
Learning Goals
- understand the types of problems that can be solved using computational techniques
- understand the basic concepts of computation (CPU, RAM, permanent storage, GUIs, file systems, network connections)
- learn core computer programming concepts (abstraction, variables, conditions, functions, repetition, recursion)
- think algorithmically to design and test computer programs
- master the basic syntax and idioms of the Python programming language
- use technical documentation, APIs, and the internet to learn new technical concepts
- develop step-by-step problem solving and debugging practices
Required Software/Online Accounts
- Google Colab. This is a free, online programming environment which you will access through your Adelphi email.
- Join our Slack with your mail.adelphi.edu email.
- install the desktop client so that you can easily share code and screenshots
- install the mobile client so that you can stay tuned for messages about the class
- join the
channel for discussions related to this class - DM the instructor at
to get in touch
- Chat GPT. Since it’s release, I have used ChatGPT as a resource for my own software development projects. I think it will be very beneficial for you, too. Create an account at https://chat.openai.com/auth/login to get started. You can use your AU email, but that’s not required.
- Screenshot software. To get help, you might need to share a screenshot (more often you will
copy-paste code or error messages). Don’t take pictures of your laptop with you phone.
Take a screenshot. If you need help setting this up or getting recommendations, ask on
on slack.
Required Books
None. All course readings, videos, etc will be provided online.
Programming references
- Python Documentation: official documentation for the Python programming language
- Pandas Documentation: the Pandas data analysis library
- Matplotlib Documentation: we’ll use Matplotlib for plots and graphs
- Seaborn Documentation: Seaborn gives us more control of the appearance of our charts
- GeoPandas Documentation: we’ll use GeoPandas to read geospatial data and make maps
- Plotly Documentation: we’ll use Plotly to make interactive charts and graphs
- Folium Documentation: Folium controls some of the map features in GeoPandas
- HTML reference: we’ll need a little bit of HTML for our legends and pop-ups
- Named HTML colors
Other documentation
- Slack Help Center
- Google Colab Help
- ChatGPT Documentation
- Jupyter Notebook Documentation
- Markdown in Jupyter Notebooks: learn how to use Markdown in Jupyter Notebooks
Tutorials for basic or advanced topics
Generative AI / ChatGPT Policy
Since the introduction of GPT-3, programmers have been using generative AI as an integral part of their work. Some are predicting the end of programming, but I think it’s just another iteration in the tools that computer scientists and software engineers have at their disposal to create software more quickly and efficiently. In particular, it can help us learn new things and reduce the risk of trying something new.
The general rule for this course is that generative AI can be used for learning, but it is a violation of Adelphi’s academic honesty policy and considered cheating if you submit work that was generated by AI as your own. You must disable Gemini in your Google Colab environment. [Settings–>AI Assistance–> Hide generative AI features ]
- lab exercises cannot be written by AI (i.e. if you upload the question to ChatGPT and then post its answer, you will risk receiving 0 points)
- you may always ask it about the API, to produce examples (e.g., _show me how to make a bar graph in
) - you may submit your code to AI for suggestions, feedback, and debugging
- you can use AI as a companion in your project code, either to write “routine” code,
or help do something new (e.g., how can I make a map with a legend in
?) - if you incorporate significant AI code in your project, you must document it in comments and be prepared to explain it in your final presentation
Please note: it is not that hard for me to spot code you didn’t write (whether from a friend, AI, a “cheating” website, etc).
Assignments and Grading
Assignment | Points |
Labs (10 total) | 30 |
Midterm project | 25 |
Final project | 30 |
Participation | 15 |
Participation (15%)
You will complete three self-evaluations of your participation in the course by completing a Google Form. Your self-eval will be averaged with the instructor’s evaluation at the end of the semester.
Because this is a self-evaluation, you will have to set your own criteria for how you evaluate your participation. Here are some things that I will be looking for:
- do you set aside time to work on the course each week?
- do you complete labs on time?
- do you ask for help when you are stuck?
- do you help others on slack or over email?
- do you share your work, relevant ideas, and resources?
- do you find time to study or work with other students?
- do you complete assignments on time?
- do not abandon your teammates
- do not turn in work written by AI or other students
Labs (30%)
There will be 10 programming “labs” during the course of the semester. Each lab will provide a few challenges based on the goals and examples of the week. You will
- 0 points: for not turning in any work
- 1-2 points: for a basic attempt, but code isn’t working or has fundamental flaws
- 3 points: solution works and demonstrates mastery of relevant concepts
Some labs may have bonus problems. You should always try to do the bonus problems. They are focused more on problems solving and core “CS” concepts than the project-based exercises. If you submit a nice bonus solution, you may earn an extra point towards your lab score (but the total can’t exceed 30 points).
Labs are due by midnight on Tuesday of the week they are assigned. To turn in your lab:
- Save a copy of the weekly lab to your Colab.
- Rename it with your last name and the lab number, e.g.
- Share the document with the instructor mcuringa@adelphi.edu
Midterm: census data analysis (25%)
The midterm will be a pair project that you complete with your assigned partner (see the roster).
For this project you will choose an area of interest in the United States Census ACS data set. You will create a Jupyter Notebook in Colab that loads this data, cleans it, explores and describes the data, and demonstrates how it can be used.
Your Notebook must include:
- the code to load and clean the data
- better column names for the data, following our class conventions
- a mardkown data dictionary describing each field
- markdown analysis of interesting patterns and findings supported by the data and code
- merging the census data with spatial data
Specifically, your Colab Notebook must have:
- all of the code used to create your analysis
- an introduction, headers, written discussion as markdown blocks
- at least one interactive map with shapes, points, a color map, tool tips, and popups
- at least two tables of data
- tables must be well formatted/styled
- at least one table must use grouped data and aggregate functions
- markdown text blocks that provide a narrative analysis of the data and relevant descriptions of the methods
Project evaluation criteria
- Content/question: is the data set chosen interesting and relevant? does the code and written analysis present engaging, preliminary findings?
- Programming: is the code well written and efficient? Does it demonstrate mastery of the concepts covered in the course to this point? Specifically, you should use variable to make your program more flexible and easier to read. Variables should be well named. You shouldn’t have any unused code, commented out code, or redundant statements.
- Risk: does the project take a risk? Does it try to do something new or different? Low-risk projects very closely resemble the examples and labs; high-risk projects try to do something new or different, even if it doesn’t work exactly right.
- Visualization & presentation: is the map easy to read and easy to use? Can the user use the map to explore the data? Is the text edited (no typos, clear prose)? Is text formatted in HTML and markdown as needed? Are data tables well formatted and have appropriate column headers and output? Are the charts and graphs selected a good match for the data presented? Does the project make good use of color and size to convey quantitative information?
Both team members will receive the same grade for the project. This means that both members should be prepared to explain any aspect of the project during the instructor meeting and to demonstrate their ability to write new code.
Final project (30%)
The final project will follow the same format as the midterm project, except everyone will work alone and turn in their own work.The final project offers you a chance to make more complex maps and visualizations and it is your opportunity to demonstrate everything you have learned this semester. There are no strict requirements for the elements of your work, but it should include a mix of written analysis in markdown, formatted tables, interactive charts, and interactive maps. To add complexity to the work you began in the midterm project, you will probably want to use Census variables from more than one table, look at multiple years, compare regions, etc.
The final project will be evaluated on the same criteria as the midterm.
Class Sessions
We’re going to operate this async course on a Wednesday to Wednesday schedule. That means that each Wednesday, will start a new module, and the lab for that week will be due by end of day on the following Tuesday. Modules will generally start with an audio introduction to the materials and a link to a Google Colab notebook. The notebook will contain all links to all other readings and videos, as well as sample code and lab exercises.
Week | Date | Topic | Due (end of week) |
1 | 08/28 - 09/03 | Data(frames) & Variables | Lab 1 |
2 | 09/04 - 09/10 | Data and tables | Lab 2 |
3 | 09/11 - 09/17 | Mapping points | Lab 3 |
4 | 09/18 - 09/24 | Formatting map points | Lab 4, Eval 1 |
5 | 09/25 - 10/01 | Color maps | Lab 5 |
6 | 10/02 - 10/08 | Merging and grouping data | Lab 6 |
7 | 10/09 - 10/15 | Census Data | project work |
8 | 10/16 - 10/22 | Census Geographies | project work |
9 | 10/23 - 10/29 | Midterm work | Project 1 Due |
10 | 10/30 - 11/05 | Midterm meetings | revisions |
11 | 11/06 - 11/12 | Tables & Charts | Lab 9, Eval 2 |
12 | 11/13 - 11/19 | Points & Layers | Lab 10 |
13 | 11/20 - 11/26 | Open | Lab 11 |
14 | 11/27 - 12/03 | Final project studio | Lab 12 |
15 | 12/04 - 12/10 | Beta testing | project work |
16 | 12/11 - 12/17 | Final meetings | Final Project, Eval 3 |
Weekly Modules
Module 1: Data(frames) & Variables
This week we want to get up and running with the tools of the class and the basics of writing code in Python and Colab.
Listen to the Welcome Message:
Lab 1 (due Tuesday)
- install Slack
- run code in Colab
- review syllabus and course expectations
- view results/output
- use variables to store data
- use basic operators to make calculations
- explore data in a
- baic syntax
- using Jupiter notebooks and Colab
- introduction to DataFrames and pandas
- Listen to the Welcome Message (above)
- Join our Slack
- Post on the
channel in Slack:- your name
- area of study
- why you are taking this course and programming background (if any)
- Watch the lab 1 video and review the4 code
- Share your lab 1 with the instructor to submit it
Module 2: Data and tables
This week we’re going to look at how to manipulate data
in a DataFrame
and how to format it in tables. We
will continue working with census data regarding
populations in urban areas.
- use comparison operators to filter data
- use math operators to calculate new columns
- format data to make more readable tables
- gain a deeper understanding of how variables and data work in Jupyter Notebook / Colab
- calculate new columns in a
with math operators .copy()
- display a sub-selection of columns in a table
- filter/query a
to find specific rows - work with String data to improve table display
- change column names
- calculate basic statistics (sum, mean, etc) on columns
- Post on the
channel in Slack:- a screenshot of a table your created in Colab
- an interesting “finding” from your analysis of the data
- share lab 2 with the instructor
Module 3: Mapping points
We’re going to start working with geospatial data and maps this week. Specifically, we will look at how to create maps of our US City census data.
- understand core concepts of geospatial data
- create a map of points
- create mouse-over titles and pop-ups for points
- create a map of points with different colors
- create a map of points with different sizes
- choose a partner for the midterm project (aka project 1)
Module 4: Formatting map points
We’re going to continue mapping points, but this week we will focus on using color to visually communicate the meaning of our data.
This week we will look at a more complex data set and investigate ways to tell stories or convey meaning with quantitative data through maps. Our goal is to learn to manipulate data using python and to write custom code that will help us display it effectively.
- use markdown to format text in Jupyter Notebooks
- use the python
statement - use python dictionaries
- use style functions with the
method - use color maps to create colors for map points based on data
- understand different types of colors maps
- effectively read and use the
color map documentation - create normalized values for color mapping from data
- watch this first: nullQueries (Director). (2021, May 4). Using Design Techniques for Clear and Appealing Data Visualization [Video] [4:16]. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Smgm2UTUSo
- Lab 4 Code
- Lab 4 Video** [01:09:38]
- [05:12] Function review
- [10:24] base_map() function
- [18:20] Data dictionaries
- [21:33] Colormaps overview
- [24:55] Sequential colormaps
- [43:44] Divergent colormaps
- [55:10] Categorical (qualitative) colormaps
- ask one question on #code or give one tip on #code
- lab four exercises (via Google Classroom)
- (optional) live lab demo and tutoring on Monday, 6-7:30pm
Module 5: Analyzing data
This week we will apply the things we have
learned to look at a new data set. Our
goal is to solidify our understanding
of course concepts of the pandas
and geopandas
Lab 5 (due Tuesday)
- apply skills to new data set
- discover interesting patterns in data
- decide how to analyze and display data
- sorting data
- selecting columns
- filtering data
- creating new columns with vector operations
- creating new columns using the
method - creating interactive maps with
- plot points on a map
- formatting and customizing tooltip and popup options
- changing base tile maps
- using colormaps to display data
- Watch the video explanation of the problems: Lab 5 Video
- Do the problems
Module 6: Merging and grouping data
- load multiple data sets
- understand how to merge data on shared keys
- understand the difference between inner, outer, left, and right joins
- group data to create new insights
- use
and aggregate functions
- use
- watch the video
- disable Gemini in your Google Colab environment
- complete the lab exercises
- begin looking at ACS Census data tables to get ready for your midterm project
- register for a Census API key here
- use this tool to get a sense for data variables
- post on
a census area you might be interested in for your midterm project - more to come next week
Module 7: Census Data
This week we will work directly with the Census API, gathering “raw” data directly from the source. We look at how to query for census variables/fields, how to specify the year, and how to find data for specific geographic regions.
- configure and use your own Census API key
- use the python
library to send valid queries - understand the structure of the Census API
- clean and format data for further analysis
- use the census
parameters to specify the geographic region of interest
- review lab 7 code
- watch the video walkthrough [35:11]
- post your team and topic for the midterm project on
Module 8: Census Geographies
This week you will work with your partner to complete the midterm project. There will be no new labs this week, but we will hold our weekly online session to work on projects.
Modules 9 & 10: Midterm meetings
This week, you and your partner will schedule a 30 minute meeting with the instructor. In this meeting, you will have 15 minutes to explain and demonstrate the key aspects of your code, followed by a 5 minute discussion.
The instructor will ask you to write some new code for your project, which you will have 10 minutes to work on, individually, and then present.
- demonstrate mastery of topics and concepts covered in the first half of the course
- identify areas of weakness and strength
- offer feedback to the instructor
- share your project code with the instructor
- schedule a zoom meeting with the instructor
- if you were asked to submit revisions to your project, turn them in by the end of the module (Tuesday)
Module 11: Tables & Charts
In this module we add a new tool to our data
visualizations: interactive charts. We will
use the plotly
library to create bar
and line graphs that help visualize our data.
We will also spend more time making formatted
tables with the pandas
and format methods.
We will combine points and shapes, and create multiple layers and legends on our maps.
Lab 9: Tables & Charts code video
- experience working with new data and discovering features of that data
- choose your own analysis and visualizations
- Lab 9 exercises (due Tuesday)
Module 12: Points & Layers
This week we will make maps that combine shapes and points, and learn how to create multi-layer maps that users can control.
- use
loops to filter column names - use list and dictionary comprehensions
- transform data from wide to long format
- create maps with multiple layers and “layer control
- Lab 10 Exercises
Module 13: Final Project Data
Create a Notebook that gathers the core data you will use for your final project. Do things like drop rows, rename columns, run summary statistics, calculate columns you might need.
- find rich data for final project
- create your own Notebook for your work
- Final Data: Turn in your Notebook as a lab assignment on classroom.
Module 14: Final studio
This week will focus on getting your final project in shape for the beta test in week 15.
Module 15: Beta testing
This week you will share your progress with the class in order to receive feedback, ask for help, and learn from each other.
- get feedback on project
- find bugs and areas of confusion
Module 16: Final meetings
You will schedule your final one-on-one meeting with the instructor to demo your final project and solve some computing problems to show what you learned during the semester.
Adelphi University Services, Policies, and Regulations
Student Access Office and Disability Accommodation
If you have a disability that may significantly impact your ability to carry out assigned
coursework, please contact the Student Access Office (SAO)
Reasonable accommodations are available in online classes for students with a documented
disability. Please note that due to the nature of online courses, some accommodations approved
for on campus classes may not apply. If you have a disability that may significantly impact your
ability to carry out assigned coursework, please contact the SAO at
University Libraries
The Adelphi University Libraries provides education, information resources, services and spaces that advance teaching, learning, research and creative activity. The Libraries provide semester-long support to assist with research assignment development, skills assessment, research readiness and more. Our goal is to equip learners with the information literacy skills necessary to become effective lifelong consumers of information. For more information visit the Libraries homepage or contact us for help.
Student Counseling Center
The Student Counseling Center (SCC) provides confidential and professional virtual mental health
counseling services, resources, and referrals to support the academic and personal success, health,
and well-being of Adelphi students without additional charge. Counselors are available to help
students cope with a variety of stressors and personal issues that may interfere with their academic
and personal experiences. The SCC also supports students who may be feeling suicidal or in crisis. To
schedule an appointment, call (516) 877-3646 or email scc@adelphi.edu. If you need immediate
assistance, walk-in services are available during the fall and spring semesters Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.
m.–5:00 p.m. Additional information can also be found at
Need support when the SCC is not available? For 24/7 emergency counseling, referral, or assistance, please contact:
- Long Island Crisis Center:
(516) 679-1111 - National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 988
- Crisis Text Line: Text PAWS to 741741
- Adelphi Office of Public Safety:
- Off campus:
(516) 877-3511 - On campus: Extension 5 on any campus phone
- 911 (for immediate health-related emergency)
- Off campus:
Center for Academic Support and Enrichment (formerly the Learning and Writing Centers)
Website: http://adelphi.edu/case | Email: CASE@adelphi.edu |
Phone: |
Location: Nexus 132 |
The Center for Academic Support and Enrichment (CASE) offers programs and services—like individual tutoring in writing and subjects across the curriculum, small group study sessions, academic coaching and targeted workshops—that help students explore, deepen and extend their classroom learning. Support programming focuses on establishing foundational skills and techniques of studentship, like time management and note-taking. Enrichment services develop higher-order critical thinking skills and problem solving skills inherent in both abstractions and applications of curricular study. Contact us via email, phone or via eCampus to review our full slate of real-time (in person and remote) and asynchronous services. These are included in your tuition, so you’ve already bought them! Don’t miss out on the opportunity to supercharge your college experience. Many services require reservations, especially late in the semester. Reserve a spot on our scheduling portal and/or join the self-directed virtual CASE LAB. Get on the CASE, and take your Adelphi experience to the next level.
The Adelphi Honor Code
“The University is an academic community devoted to the pursuit of knowledge. Fundamental to this pursuit is academic integrity. In joining the Adelphi community I accept the University’s Statement of Academic Integrity and pledge to uphold the principles of honesty and civility embodied in it. I will conduct myself in accordance with ideals of truth and honesty and I will forthrightly oppose actions which would violate these ideals.”
Code of Academic Integrity
The Code of Academic Integrity prohibits behavior that can broadly be described as lying, cheating, or stealing. Academic dishonesty or violations of the Code of Academic Integrity include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Fabricating data or citations
- Collaborating in areas not approved by the professor
- Unauthorized multiple submission of one’s own work
- Sabotage of others’ work, including library vandalism or manipulation
- Plagiarism
- The creation of unfair advantage
- The facilitation of dishonesty
- Tampering with or falsifying records
- Cheating
- Other forms of academic dishonesty
Copying and pasting from any source into your assignments or exams without quotation marks, citations and references, constitutes plagiarism. Students are expected to produce and submit original work and to cite all sources appropriately. Unauthorized collaboration on any work, or the presentation of someone else’s work as your own, is plagiarism. Content generated by an Artificial Intelligence third-party service or site (AI-generated content, e.g. ChatGPT) without attribution or authorization is also a form of plagiarism. Unless explicitly stated, artificial intelligence-based technologies, such as ChatGPT or word mixing software, cannot be used to generate responses (partial or otherwise) for student assignments or exams.
If you are unsure about what plagiarism or another form of academic dishonesty are, please reach out to me to discuss it as soon as possible. An allegation of an academic integrity violation of this section may be referred for further review and could result in disciplinary action.
Student Course Evaluations
During the last two weeks of the class, you will receive notification, via email and eCampus, that the course evaluation is available for your input electronically. Your feedback is valuable and students are strongly encouraged to respond. Please be assured that your responses are anonymous and the results will not be available to the instructor until after course grades have been submitted after the semester ends.
Religious Observance Policy
Adelphi University welcomes diversity in its community and respects various religious observances. Students who anticipate being absent due to their religious observance are required by Adelphi University to notify their professors at the start of the semester. This will allow faculty to take these observances into consideration in light of their course exam and assignment schedules. Students absent from class, clinical experiences, practice, labs, etc. on those days, after prior notice to the professor, will not be penalized for any exam or assignment deadline missed because of those absences. Students must contact the instructor to work out suitable arrangements for make-ups or other satisfaction of academic requirements. Adelphi’s Exam/Assignment Absence Policy can be viewed here.
Attendance Policy
Only students who are registered for courses, and whose name appears on the Official Class Roster may attend courses at the University. Adelphi students make a commitment to be active participants in their educational program; class attendance is an integral part of this commitment. Students are expected to be present promptly at the beginning of each class period, unless prevented by illness or by other compelling cause. In the event of such absence, students may request that faculty members be notified by the Office of Academic Services and Retention. Students are responsible for learning course content and completing coursework missed through absences.